About KlimaKU E-Literasi
Indonesian Climate Learning Media
The E-Literasi site is a product output of the climate and air quality information production subfield aimed at providing learning materials about weather and climate to the wider community. This E-Literasi is used in exhibitions, roadshows, workshops or simple socialization about weather and climate. It is expected that in the future it can be one of the reference materialsContact Us
The Climate and Air Quality Information Production Subdivision has the task of preparing materials for managing information and consulting services, coordinating functional activities and cooperation in the field of climate and air quality information production.
Division of Climate and Air Quality Information Dissemination
Head Office of the Meteorology
Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG)
Jl. Angkasa I, No.2 Jakarta Pusat 10720
Ph. : (02656565) 4246321, Fax. : (021) 4246703
P.O. Box 3540 Jkt
Ph : +62-21-6546316
Email : info.iklim@bmkg.go.id
Website : www.bmkg.go.id